參加及報名詳情 Registration and Requirements


按  下載 公司/團結/學校組隊報名表格

按  下載 個人報名表格

* 是次路線屬中難度,建議參加者為有經驗之行山人士,並年滿 6歲 *


截止報名日期:2016年3月4日(星期五) (以郵戳為準,網上報名於當日晚上23:59截止)


1. 請將支票(抬頭為 「環保觸覺香港有限公司」)連同填妥捐款表格/填妥網上表格後,

2. 捐款戶口為中國銀行(香港)(戶口號碼:012-898-1-035864-8)  香港上海匯豐銀行 (戶口號碼: 112-247333-292) 請將入數紙連同填妥的捐款表格/填妥網上表格後電郵 (info@greensense.org.hk)、傳真(3011 9577) 或 郵寄予本會

最後付款日期:2016年3月9日 (三)

查詢電話:8100 4877

Registration & Requirements

The minimum donation for company/ organization/ school team is HK$2000 (2-4 persons, for each extra participant, the minimum donation is $400). Team certificate will be issued for appreciation on the event day.

The minimum donation is $400 for individual participant ($300 for aged under 18).

*Due to the rough relief, experienced hiker are preferred and suggesting aged 6 or above

(Group Personal Insurance included)

Please click HERE for the online registration

Registration Deadline: 4th March 2016 (Fri) (Subject to postmark, online registration is available till 23:59)

Donation Method

1. Cheque payable to “Green Sense HK Limited” and send to PO Box 454, Tsuen Wan Post Office with the application form/ after online application

2. Bank account: Bank Of China a/c No.: 012-898-1-035864-8) or HSBC a/c No.: 112-247333-292. Please email (info@greensense.org.hk) or fax (3011 9577) the bank-in slip with the application form/ after online application

Payment Due Date: 9th March 2016 (Wed)

Enquiry: 8100 4877